The Fordham Ram

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  • H

    Henry BonoApr 13, 2016 at 4:25 pm

    I guess Jaclyn Weiner must be feeling a bit silly by now for having written this. It would be wise to do a little fact checking and research before assuming so blindly that the earth is a sphere. This will be the subject that opens the masses to seeing the powers that be, perhaps for the first time in their lives. People must take a side on this, with the knowledge of NASA “photos” being paintings, which is now proveable, especially since we have a whistleblower too regarding it. Believing the sphere means that person is either ignorant, or is the enemy.

  • D

    daznezMar 6, 2016 at 12:59 pm

    ‘We need to stop taking what we hear online, on TV or even during our everyday lives, at face value. ‘

    Yet you do and have, every time nasa or someone from the ‘scientific establishment’ has told you anything about ‘outer space.’

    If you have done your own experiments and research to form your conclusions then fair enough, but most people who now see the earth is a fixed, motionless plane around which all the heavenly bodies move went looking for repeatable experiments that proved the earth was a spinning globe and didn’t find any.

    All we found were cgi and composite images of earth, and a moon landing set.

    • S

      StormieMar 10, 2016 at 6:09 am

      I’m sure if ancient Greeks could figure out how to test that the earth was round, even modern trailer park man can figure it out. Try harder. Or are we supposed to be convinced the earth is flat because you have no scientific aptitude to actually derive a legitimate test to determine whether it’s round?

      By the way, shouldn’t you have moved on to how Katy Perry is JonBenet Ramsey by now? This flat earth thing is so two months ago.

  • C

    carolinagsings77Feb 14, 2016 at 2:07 am

    It’s indeed scary to realize signs and hidden symbolisms which point to cults of people such as the Masons, are in power and decision making positions… but education and the worship of world knowledge will always render followers of information.
    People whom are offended by my personal opinion only prove their lack of understanding and humility. Yet i take no offence in them… they too are but a part of this enigma called ‘life’.

    Stop saying what you are or whom you believe in and just be what you are… then all the claimants will stick out like sore thumbs.

    Carolina G.

  • R

    russellkanningFeb 13, 2016 at 12:59 pm

    Interesting comments

  • G

    globalrealityblogFeb 11, 2016 at 11:28 pm

    They have discovered gravity waves hence the proof gravity exists

    • R

      russellkanningFeb 13, 2016 at 1:12 pm

      I will check out your blog.

  • S

    StormieFeb 11, 2016 at 12:59 pm

    When 25% of Americans don’t even know the earth orbits the sun, and nearly 50% of them think the earth is 10,000 years old, it’s easy to see how these ridiculous theories spread there. And yes, this is almost exclusively a Conservative American thing, you don’t see these anti-scientific groundswells in other countries. The U.S is a shocking example of a developed country imploding intellectually.

    • S

      Some RandomFeb 12, 2016 at 3:06 pm

      Considering well over 90% of blacks vote liberal, I have hard time believing B.o.B. is a “conservative.” How about avoiding politics and just realizing this is a scientifically uneducated vs. scientifically educated issue, as it obviously is?

  • P

    Paul GouldFeb 11, 2016 at 6:33 am

    Ignorance runs rampant. Obviously the writer of the article is talking about himself due to his lack of research. DeGrasse Tyson is a juggling clown, maybe that’s why he needs his pear! Nasholes!

  • G

    Good Bonds (@bonds_good)Feb 10, 2016 at 10:09 pm

    I don’t want to sound like an uneducated American, but I have a few unanswered questions. Apologies in advance for offending anyone with my stupidity, sometimes I just can’t help myself.
    Force of Gravity = G * [Mass(Earth)*Mass2)/distance^2 ]
    What happens as an object gets closer to the core of the earth and distance approaches zero. Does the Force of Gravity go to infinity?
    In 1798, the Cavendish Experiment derived the equation of Gravitational Constant (G).
    G = 2π^2LθR(e)^2/T^2M. The angle θ is the angle the bar turns between two heavy masses. How was he able to calculate this value without the precision of laser measurements?
    Can the force of gravity (pull) be replaced by the force of atmospheric pressure (push) at 14.7 PSI? Why doesn’t gravity work on the water stuck in a straw when your finger is pressed on the top end of the straw?
    Prof. Dr. Ereditato Antonio of CERN did an experiment where his team found that neutrinos travel faster than the speed of light. Doesn’t this overturn Einstein’s special theory of relativity? Oh yea, Dr. Antonio was forced to resign and retract the results. Scratch this one. Sorry, sorry, sorry, my mind is just stuck on stupid tonight. I don’t know what got into me. I’m gonna go back to being a potato couch and watching the Real Housewives.

    • S

      Some RandomFeb 12, 2016 at 3:03 pm

      “What happens as an object gets closer to the core of the earth and distance approaches zero. Does the Force of Gravity go to infinity?” Yes the force between two masses increases the closer the two masses get to one another, but the mass of the Earth is not concentrated in one infinitely small point of nearly zero volume (that would mean it has a density approaching infinite.) The mass of the Earth is spread out over the entire volume of the Earth. This is covered in basic college physics and sometimes at the high school level. As for your other comments, I won’t bother, because not understanding what is literally taught in elementary physics sort of disqualifies you from discussing some of the most advanced physics modern science is researching (such as that at CERN.)

  • M

    Mark PuputtiFeb 10, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    My search started last May… NASA showed a picture of a rodent on Mars… I have a BS degree and get the joke… The earth is geocentric stationary and flat… NASA lies… The Truth hurts but The Truth will make you free…

  • T

    TedAFeb 10, 2016 at 4:02 pm

    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

    Arthur Schopenhaur.

  • A

    Aloha Tattoo CompanyFeb 10, 2016 at 2:14 pm

    The establishment is scurrying like roaches, to cover their huuuuge lie up. The expensive receipt on your wall, that depicts your ability to regurgitate generalized information/misinformation back to a professor at the end of the week is not what I would call, being “intellectual”. It means you are good little slave, and you do as your told. Common sense, your own senses, and ability to reason deductively, will lead you to understand that there is no molten magnet of metal in the center of a ball they have never been to, causing the imaginary “gravity” that makes things stick to the bottom of a ball spinning a thousand miles per hour, but allows bugs and birds to fly around, and fish to swim freely in the water, upside down……..hahahahaha.
    On the comedy show, that THE POWERS THAT USED TO BE tried to use to ridicule B.O.B, with a watered down bald half black dude, with no soul, rhythm or a shred of humor, and then pulled out their other trained professional bafoon, that the public could easily digest, NASA’s own comedian, Neil the MORON Tyson, made lame penis innuendoes, and then a very thinly veiled threat to the rapper, reminding him of what happens to musicians, and presidents, when they step out of line. FUCK YOU NEIL. The fact that the comedy show gave it oxygen, news shows take the time to ridicule, the presidents teleprompter, and that stupid fuck “Young Turk” gives it air time, tells me something LOUD AND CLEAR. WE HAVE STRUCK GOLD and they can not undo it. Once you spend a half of an hour checking on it for yourself, you can not let go. Nobody will address the real issues, like the curvature, or the phases of the moon at the midpoint of the year never changing. Nah, they talk shit and ridicule, and the other spineless lames, cling on to fit in and be accepted.

    • W

      WallyFeb 11, 2016 at 3:40 am

      I have been looking at this issue recently,and I don’t understand the motive that the establishment would have for insisting that the world is round if it isn’t.what gain does the establishment receive for misleading the public about the shape of the earth? I have been on the coast, and have seen boats sailing towards me, and the top of the boats always appear first, and then the rest comes into view.To me, that indicates that there is a curve to the surface.I have also been on a jet, and if the world was flat, how is it that I couldn’t see the ocean or the edge of the earth? I guess I never really questioned the issue before, but the evidence that I have seen with my own eyes seems to indicate a curve to the earth. I just don’t understand the motivation that the governments of the world would have to hoax everyone. When I look at the moon, it appears to be shaped like a globe.I live far away from any cities, and the moon is very clear in the sky.You can clearly see that it is a globe. Isn’t it? That alone makes me think the earth is round.I just don’t understand the reason for any deception.Is it a conspiracy of the world globe manufacturers? The major world governments have millions of ways to get money from the people.Why would they spend time creating a fictional space program when they could get money out of the public in much easier ways?(Taxes)Please tell me what the motivation is behind the deception?

      • M

        Mark PuputtiFeb 11, 2016 at 6:36 am

        Do research first yourself then ask those that have these questions… The Truth needs no defense…only lies are defended.

    • S

      StormieFeb 11, 2016 at 1:18 pm

      You guys are trying way too hard, but nothing you can do or say will change the fact that the earth is round. I’m sure once commercial space travel is available in the coming years and anyone can see the earth from space for themselves, you’ll all act like you were never flat earthers to save yourself the utter embarrassment of looking like delusional conspiracy nuts for thinking the earth was flat when we’ve known and been able to prove for over 2,000 years that it’s round; but you and I both know you will always be psychotic. Sadly you can’t live with your own psychosis and have to try spreading it so that it infects others. Shame on you.

    • M

      madison1751Feb 12, 2016 at 7:43 am

      I refuse to believe that anyone who is educated enough to read & write, seriously believes this anti-science, flat-Earth nonsense. These ppl (including B.o.B) are simply trolls begging for attention. The notoriety he got for that stupid tweet is amazing. Some ppl get off on blowing ppl’s minds with stupidity. Are we the stupid ones for believing ppl are actually this dumb? God I hope so…

    • T

      The ManFeb 13, 2016 at 10:09 am

      That’s a nice little word salad you put together their shit for brains.

  • B

    Bob TayFeb 10, 2016 at 1:13 pm

    Evolution is a theory
    Gravity is a theory
    The big bang is a theory
    Black holes are a theory
    Quantum mechanics is a theory
    The extinction of dinosaurs is a theory

    • S

      StormieFeb 11, 2016 at 12:48 pm

      As with most ignorant people, you don’t know what a theory means in scientific terms.

  • B

    Brad MundieFeb 10, 2016 at 7:29 am

    Did you actually even do any research of your own on this topic? How come I doubt it…?

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Flat Earth Conspiracy Challenges Intellectualism