Full Moon Pizzeria: Go Wild, Youngblood

Full Moon Pizzeria is a classic neighborhood joint in the Fordham neighborhood, serving consistently good Italian food. (Ram Archives)

By Dan Ziebarth

This week, we’re talking about one of the more well-known eateries: Full Moon Pizzeria. Right off the bat, I’m gonna throw out that David Portnoy, known by many as El Pres of Barstool Sports and the Barstool Pizza Review, has already taken a crack at reviewing Full Moon.

He tossed it a soft 6.2 out of 10 rating, so do with that what you may. I hold myself to no one’s standards but my own and will not be swayed by any outside influence no matter how famous, or infamous, that opinion may be. First off, Full Moon is in the heart of our very own Little Italy in the Bronx, located at the corner of Arthur Avenue and E. 187th Street. I’m a sucker for that location; I think Full Moon’s corner spot gives off classic New York City pizza spot vibes.

Walking in, you’ll notice the place will probably be full and a little cramped, albeit inviting. The building is narrow, with more tables and chairs inside than you really think could (or should) fit. But they make it work. You should be able to squeeze your way up the counter and see what they have on display.

Full Moon has all the classic Italian fare next to its pizza lineup, so if you’re looking to be fancy and catch a plate of chicken parm or manicotti, you can get that here. But why do that to yourself? We’re all here for the pizza. This is a pretty full-service pizza place, so besides a simple regular or Sicilian slice, Full Moon has a solid selection of specialty slices, as well as garlic knots. Unlike some slice shops, you can get a full pie or two here if you want. You can also put on any additional toppings of your choice, so there’s no limit to what you can do. Go wild, youngblood.

Getting down to the important stuff, though, how good are the slices? The slices at Full Moon are pretty big, which I’m not always a fan of. If you can’t hold the slice comfortably in one hand folded over, that slice is too big. Full Moon falls into the trap with a slightly oversized slice. The crust on a Full Moon slice is solid with a good crunch-to-chew ratio, but they regularly keep slices in the oven too long and singe the crust a little bit, putting a little too much char on the outer layer. The sauce may be the best part of a Full Moon slice. There’s some flavor to it that many slice shops miss, where they instead put tomato water on their pizza. Full Moon doesn’t do that, and the sauce adds flavor that sets their slices apart.

The cheese, however, tastes cheap to me, and that’s a big miss. Sprinkling some low-quality mozz on a pizza is a detriment to the pie, and I think Full Moon does a disservice to the quality of their regular slices. That being said, the specialty slices are where Full Moon shines. They have some delicious specialties that are topped with fresh, flavorful ingredients. To get one of these slices you’re going to have to shell out $5.50 a slice, so make sure you’re taking out some extra student loans for the month. All in all, Full Moon is a consistent place with good – not great – slices.

Despite the small space, the environment and employees behind the counter are welcoming. If your family is visiting, Full Moon is a solid option. There are cheaper options and better slices out there, but Full Moon is consistent, clean and inviting. If you’re looking to blow some cash on a specialty slice or want to show your family and friends a neighborhood joint that’s been around for 50 years, this is the place to go. Just make sure someone else is paying.