USG Discusses Methods to Connect Virtual and In-Person Students

(Courtesy of United Student Government)

United Student Government (USG) discussed options connecting students who have chosen to attend this semester virtually with in-person students in their meeting on Thursday, Feb. 11.  

Multiple senators mentioned the difficulties of having classes with both in-person and virtual students when professors limit the chat feature on Zoom. 

In a typical classroom setting, students are able to share phone numbers and emails in person. The Zoom alternative to this communication is the private chat feature the software offers. Professors have been turning this feature off to limit in-class distractions, furthering students from the traditional classroom experience. 

USG is working with the deans to create a policy allowing student-to-student messaging to be available in all classes. 

Vice President of Operations Audrey Felton, FCRH ’22, suggested creating a class GroupMe so students can communicate with their classmates until a more permanent solution is placed. 

Fordham Dance Marathon (FDM) has begun fundraising for the B+ Foundation, which helps children who face childhood cancer. 

FDM has set a date for its biggest fundraiser of the year, its annual auction. The event is set to take place on March 3, with more details to come. 

Despite the growing numbers of COVID-19 cases on campus, as of Thursday, Feb. 11, Public Safety had received no unsafe COVID-19 behavior or party complaints. 

Public Safety wants to remind all students that they can leave an anonymous tip about large gatherings and parties that may not be adhering to COVID-19 guidelines. Calling in unsafe behavior will help the university and students stay safe and keep COVID-19 numbers down. 

The Resident Hall Association (RHA) and Commuter Students Association (CSA) have created Fordham Dialogues.

Fordham Dialogues aims to connect residential and commuting students and begin conversations that foster a relationship between all students. The last day to sign up for Fordham Dialogues is Feb 16.