Tetlow Makes a Splash on Twitter


President Tania Tetlow won’t be formally inaugurated as president of Fordham University until October, but she’s already showing the social media savvy she’ll bring to the job.

On Friday, Tetlow attended Fordham’s Homecoming and President’s Ball where she kept her followers updated on Twitter. On Saturday she tweeted a picture with the caption “Got to meet so many students at #Homecoming,” only one of many on her account from the weekend.

This is a contrast to Fordham’s previous president, Rev. Joseph M. Mcshane, S.J., president emeritus, who was not active on social media. Tetlow is especially active on Twitter, where she has almost 700 followers. She tweets about the events she attends, the people she meets and Fordham-related announcements.

A social media presence like this could be a big change for the university. For one thing, some have noticed the potential for Tetlow’s social media efforts to attract the attention of prospective students. It is possible that prospective students, intrigued by the idea of life in the big city, will identify with her bio alone, in which she calls herself “A New Orleans transplant exploring New York City.”

Students on campus seem to be responding positively. Gulru Aksu, FCRH ’26, and Ilayda Coskun, FCRH ’26, who both attended the President’s Ball, agreed that they wouldn’t mind taking a picture for social media if the president asked them.

Some students say they like it because Tetlow’s social media presence makes them feel closer to the president.

“I think President Tetlow having a Twitter makes her more relatable. A lot of students have Twitter so it’s a way that we get to interact with her more.

It also feels like we can get to know her in a more casual way,” said Lusa Holmstrom, FCRH ’25.

Still, some on campus seem indifferent.

“It doesn’t really make a big difference to me if she tweets or not. I think it’s kind of inevitable. Trump has a Twitter. Elon Musk has a Twitter. It’s just the age we’re in,” said Dora Conrad, FCRH ’26.

Others want to wait and see what the new president posts before giving their full support. William Ronac, FCRH ’25, said he really hopes she’s authentic. He wants her to post whatever she wants to without other administrators interfering. He added that it would also be best if she didn’t post everyday.

Although Tetlow is most active on her Twitter, another one of her accounts has seemed to elicit a more passionate response around campus. Her Instagram for her golden retriever, Archie, is already well known and loved by the Fordham community.

“I recall seeing a photo of President Tetlow’s dog on instagram and it was absolutely one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen,” said Fawwaz Omer, FCRH ’25.

This kind of personal connection with the campus community is no small matter. If social media is about outreach, it seems to be working well for both Archie and Tetlow.