United Student Government Discusses Club Proposals and Public Concerns

USG approves the Fordham Backstage club. (Courtesy of Facebook)

On Thursday, Jan. 19, the Fordham Rose Hill United Student Government (USG) met to discuss club proposals and public concerns on campus.

The board of the “Fordham Backstage” club presented their club as a place where the students who have been involved, or hope to be involved, in the backstage element of theater production can come together and have a more organized production system. They stated that there are three theater clubs on the Fordham Rose Hill campus, but not a club that works solely for theater production which, the board stated, caused unorganized use of production tools and equipment. The board stated that the first club meeting would be a general interest meeting, the second would be a production sign up meeting and the third would be an inventory day.

The next club proposal that was presented was for the “Vietnamese Student Association.” The board of the Vietnamese Student Association stated that they wanted to create a space where students can come together and celebrate Vietnamese culture. Specifically, events such as Lunar New Year and the Hùng Kings festival. The club would host events for major Vietnamese holidays, connect Vietnamese students to Vietnamese Fordham alumni, collaborate with other Fordham Asian clubs and do virtual travel tours of Vietnam while explaining the historical and cultural background.

The first meeting would be to explain the club’s mission and the second meeting would be learning and playing traditional Vietnamese board games.

The last club that presented was the “Rose Hill Soccer Club.” The two co-founders stated that they wanted to improve the current underrepresentation of soccer in Fordham clubs and to highlight an international sport since the Fordham community tends to give emphasis to national sports, such as American football. The weekly meetings would consist of soccer watchalongs, soccer debates, and discussions of recent soccer events. Some events that they hope to do in the future include soccer fantasy leagues, FIFA tournaments and soccer pick-up games.

Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion Brianna Al-Omoush, FCRH ’24, made a budget request for the Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s Black History Month event where she hopes to have a guest faculty speaker.

At the event, there will be catered food and a book give-away for people who participate and ask questions during the faculty guest speaker assembly. Al-Omoush also stated that Bronx Appreciation Week will most likely be the week of March 27.