Student Athlete Column: No Good At Goodbyes

While I'm leaving Fordham, I will always think of the time I spent with my friends. (Courtesy of Fordham Athletics)

While I’m leaving Fordham, I will always think of the time I spent with my friends. (Courtesy of Fordham Athletics)

Well, this is it. I can’t believe I’m already writing my final student athlete column. It feels like just yesterday that I got a text from Maddie asking if I was interested in writing the column this year. Time flies when you’re having fun!

I’m excited to say my running career will be continuing a bit longer, just in a different place. I’m running for Syracuse University next year, and I’ll be pursuing a master’s degree in broadcasting on a sports media track! I’ll have the chance to continue doing both the things I love. I cannot wait to see what comes next for me and to meet Otto the Orange. But it’s all feeling very, very bittersweet.

I hate goodbyes. A lot. Even though I am really excited to go orange this summer, I’m not ready to say so long to Fordham yet. This final semester has made me realize how truly grateful I am for this place and every single person I’ve met here. Every single early morning, packed work schedule and late night was worth it. (Those 6:45 a.m. Ram Vans to Van Cortlandt however… those did take it out of me.)

I often look back on my freshman year self, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when stepping into Queen’s Court for the first time. (I did in fact set off the door alarm trying to find the entrance.) Never in a million years would I have predicted what my college career would look like. I’ve had plenty of ups and downs at Fordham, as any college student does. I’ve had the best nights of my life, created stories of which I’m unbelievably proud and developed friendships for a lifetime. But I’ve struggled to reach some of my biggest goals on the track, had anxieties completely shut my brain down and had my heart broken multiple times — all that jazz. But my mantra’s always remained “everything happens for a reason.” Without everything that’s happened to me, I wouldn’t have the confidence to demand what’s meant for me. I know what I deserve now and that I’m capable of getting it myself.

I know I’m going to look back on my time at Fordham with a smile. There were times I crammed into a contrast pool with five or six of my teammates in the training room. Then there’s me sitting in WFUV’s Studio 3, laughing my butt off during mic checks. And there’s lounging on a picnic blanket on Eddie’s for hours at a time, unsuccessfully dodging the football my boyfriend’s tossing around. Late-night Best Deli runs, 12-hour study seshes at Prince Coffee House… I can go on and on, but I’m already nearing my word limit!

There’s so many people I want to thank for making my time here so special. There’s both my teammates and coaches, who never fail to put a smile on my face every morning at 7:30 a.m. We’ve had the time of our life surviving each progression long run, aqua jogging on our designated “Water Wednesday’s” and munching on those insane Kirkland Nuts and Dark Chocolate packs. Seriously, what is in those that makes them so good? If I kept writing about every memory we’ve shared, I’d take up this entire issue. The team believed in me when I couldn’t, and I can’t wait to see all the success in store for them. Fordham Track and Field will always remain my family, and it breaks my heart thinking about not seeing everyone every morning.

But I’ll be there in spirit, cheering everyone on from afar.

I can’t talk about my time at Fordham without mentioning my time with WFUV. I will forever thank my lucky stars I decided to take the newsroom experience my junior year. I call myself the news-sports hybrid, and both experiences have been absolutely incredible. I’ll miss my morning shifts and “What’s Whatsing” with the newsies so, so much. We’ve become quite the family in the newsroom. I will also forever thank my lucky stars that just so happening to be a student athlete got me involved with WFUV Sports. With them I discovered a confidence within myself I never knew I had, from starting the first women’s sports podcast at WFUV to hopping on New York’s longest running sports call-in show. I entered Fordham wanting to do print journalism, now I’m leaving determined to break into the sports industry. On top of that, I’ve met some of the most incredible people in my life. Who would’ve thought the “A” group for our practice podcast would turn into some of the closest friends (#ATEAM). For all of this, I will always be eternally grateful.

Like I said, I don’t like goodbyes. But hey, it’s not the end. My story isn’t over just yet! There’s still personal records to chase, jobs to pursue and new people to meet. But Fordham’s always going to be a part of me. So, instead of saying goodbye, this is just a “see you later.” I know I’ll be back in NYC in one way or another. But until then, see ya! Roll Rams forever.