The Fordham Ram

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  • D

    David AdamsMar 8, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    Decommodification is a lot of syllables for turning medicine over to the people who have made the Department of Motor Vehicles a mess for everyone who can’t avoid it. The disconnect comes in trying too hard to blame capitalism, when capitalism hasn’t played a major role in American medicine in a long time. End regulation of doctors and hospitals and get government out of regulating, controlling and overseeing services and out of manipulating prices to give us a chance to do better.

    • Y

      YonatanMar 13, 2024 at 8:14 pm

      The corporatization of our healthcare system took place decades ago. Healthcare today is dictated by insurance companies and run by private equity firms. I don’t know if government control of healthcare is a reasonable solution, but government certainly should have better regulations in place so that tax payers aren’t getting left high & dry by insurance companies charging excessive prices while covering very little and private equity firms milking money out of our healthcare system with impunity. I’m not able to attach a link to this comment, but look up an article on Business Insider titled, “How Wealthy Investors Got Rich Looting Needy Hospitals”. This is only one example (and there are many) of how deep private equity’s claws are in our healthcare system.

  • C

    Creative LadyMar 7, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    It’s a shame the US has let insurance companies control what Dr’s can and cannot do. I remember going to a Dr, giving him $ 15.00 and we were done. Now, if a person does not have insurance, they can’t afford to even go to a Dr. Heaven forbid the insurance company doesn’t permit a certain Dr. or drug for THEIR approval. ?? This is nuts. So sad & frustrating.

  • B

    BunterMar 5, 2024 at 10:09 am

    The British NHS system is “free at the point of use”. Cost of treatment is not a factor when deciding to see a doctor.
    This permits regular and frequent preventative care which, in theory, should result in a healthier general population.
    However, my British Doctor friend complains that people don’t value the NHS, they take it for granted. Often not showing up for appointments or abusing staff.
    The largest complaint seems to be waiting lists. It’s true that waiting lists for non critical procedures can be long however, how are scarce resources to be managed. Isn’t some triage necessary? For those with money, they may go private. At least no one goes bankrupt because of medical debt.

    Ultimately, though, what is the problem we are trying to solve?
    – cost control
    – equality of access (without incurring crippling debt)
    – guarantee a minimum level of healthcare to sell residents regardless of ability to pay, because that’s what any decent society would do?

    It’s pointless talking about solutions until we define the problem to be solved.

  • L

    Linda AglerFeb 16, 2024 at 1:54 pm

    I have worked in the financial underbelly of physician billing for 45 years. I agree that the current system is broken. I have often thought that perhaps a hybrid system might work better. That being one that offers free coverage for children under 16 years so that families aren’t stressed to find care for their children. Also, care for those over 65. The elderly population have worked their entire lives and should be able to have healthcare without the burden of exhausting their savings. The group in the middle, still working, could keep the current private coverage. This method would not eliminate insurance companies, but profit caps should be in place to ensure that funds are actually going toward care of patients. It would also not force the government to absorb the total cost.

    • F

      FrankFeb 29, 2024 at 7:06 pm

      While this is a good discussion and has merits, it is still wrong. Many quasi-socialistic style healthcare programs like the British system are also broken. This authors answer is make sure there is plenty of money. Wrong – that only exacerbates the problem. The answer isn’t government who is notorious for inefficiency. It is removing health insurance from the equation as the primary focus. A hybrid system with a basic safety net plus some kind of pay as you go component like HSA accounts is the answer.

  • V

    V. LeonFeb 13, 2024 at 7:25 am

    Well stated. So many people in this country have long known that our health care system is crazy broken.
    I always envied my Canadian friends who had access to healthcare at reasonable costs.
    When I was growing up we only saw a doctor if absolutely necessary and when I was raising my children it was a stomach churning decision whether to guess if their maladies absolutely required medical treatment. There simply wasn’t enough money to pay for it.
    It’s no wonder the US ranks so low in health outcomes and so high in cost when it comes to healthcare.
    I know a lot of people who are against universal healthcare point out the costs in terms of higher taxes. I wonder if they ever consider the cost they pay for health insurance each month.

    • L

      L. ThackFeb 28, 2024 at 10:06 am

      The times I’ve found myself in the universal healthcare debate with someone who opposes it, they tend to have strong opinions about who deserves healthcare. Those that would finally gain access to affordable healthcare are not viewed favorably by those opposed to social safety nets of any kind. They don’t want their “hard-earned” money paying for anyone they consider a freeloader.
