By Megan Bronner
The beginning of a new school year is overwhelming, given that there is so much to deal with. There are new classes, new professors, new friends, a new dorm and, of course, new activities to join. At the beginning of each semester, the majority of Fordham’s clubs take to Eddies to entice new members. Approaching the club fair is overwhelming. And yet, club participation is crucial to making the most of a college experience.
In case you missed the club fair, here is a brief overview of Fordham’s clubs, to help you out. There are over 90 options, and hopefully one will suit you. Some clubs may have already begun to meet, but I have found that most clubs are welcome to new members at any point throughout the year. So, if something does not work out this semester, you can always go for it again in the spring.
A large part of Fordham’s mission is service, and the school provides many service opportunities on its own. However, there are some unique clubs to bring out the inner saint in you. One service club is Fashion for Philanthropy. This service club benefits the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Metro New York. FFP hosts several events throughout the year pertaining to a certain part of the fashion industry. If you are a fashionista with a big heart, this is a club for you. Contact [email protected] if you are interested.
If you are looking to play a major role in the Fordham community, then I suggest participating in one of Fordham’s larger and more comprehensive organizations. One such group is the Resident Hall Association. Members of this club seek to make living at Fordham a more pleasant experience and are a connection between residents and administration at Fordham. I suggest that you check in with your resident director or resident assistant regarding more information on running for a position on the RHA board. For further questions, contact [email protected].
Another club at Fordham with a large student presence is Campus Activities Board. Members of this organization are responsible for creating and running most of Fordham’s events, including Spring Weekend. CAB application can be found on orgsync.com and are due Sept. 19 at 5 p.m.
If you are looking for a club pertaining to a particular major or concentration, Fordham boasts over 20 different academic clubs. One example is the Economics Society, which is a great club to join for people majoring in economics or finance. Members will learn about real life economic situations through various activities including trips and guest speakers. For more information, membership and other questions email [email protected].
If you are looking to get in touch with your native culture or interested in learning about a new one, Fordham has 13 cultural clubs, from Asian Cultural Exchange ([email protected]) to Insieme ([email protected]) and other cultures.
If you are looking to showcase your performing arts skills, there are 13 clubs that will allow you to do just that. Fordham Experimental Theatre is a great club to check out for all areas of theater. FET is entirely student run, and whether you are a director, actor, producer, technician or writer, there is a position for you at FET. They can be contacted at, [email protected] or via their Facebook page: Theatre Dorks. You can also take a look at Fordham’s oldest club, The Mimes and Mummers. The club puts on four shows a year. For more information, head to their website, http://www.themimesandmummers.com.
Lastly, if you are looking to write, Fordham has several publications you can join. First, there is The Ampersand, Fordham’s literary club, which produces the magazine The Vagabond. If you are interested in joining, contact [email protected]. Mode Magazine, Fordham’s beauty and lifestyle magazine, started last fall. Contact [email protected] to get involved. If you are looking to report on campus happenings, you can write for The Fordham Ram. Stop by McGinley B-52 on Tuesday nights or contact a specific editor if you are interested. Staff emails are listed on thefordhamram.com.
If you have not seen anything appealing in this article, check out a comprehensive club list at orgsync.com. If you are looking for more information about a certain club mentioned here or on Fordham’s website, I suggest you see if they have any social media pages. If you are interested in starting your own club, email [email protected] for more information.
Megan Bronner is a Contributing Writer for The Fordham Ram.