Maude Latour Strikes Nostalgic Chords

Musical artist, Maude Latour, is a freshman at Columbia University (Courtesy of Instagram).

By Kristen Egan

Music is modern day witchcraft. A very bold claim, but in my opinion, a very true one, as music has the elusive power of creating momentary time travel. Wherever you are, or whomever you are with, there’s a song that will transport you back to a specific time and even a specific feeling.

For me, everytime I listen to the song “Shoot and Run” by Maude Latour, I think of driving down the highway with the windows down. When I listen to “Girlfriend” by Maude Latour, I can feel the heat from the bonfire my best friends and I sat around in upstate New York.

Music is magic, and I think that’s pretty cool. It is even cooler when you get the opportunity to meet the artist that casts you under their spell over and over again.

This past year I randomly bumped into Latour at Fordham. I recognized her, and naturally, she had no idea who I was. It was surreal to run so casually into someone whose songs I loved, and it was even more surreal when she followed me back on Instagram (something all my friends from home are VERY jealous about).  Since then, I have been closely following all of her musical announcements and am always patiently awaiting more.

After producing two singles in 2017, Latour released her EP called High School High. These songs collectively tell the story of Latour’s teenage years in the city that never sleeps: New York, NY.

Latour spoke to me about her inspiration: A high school high was exactly what the title feels like to me. Being ‘high’ off this view of looking at high school in hindsight. Growing up in New York City was truly the wildest upbringing. Kids become so independent,  so quickly. I thought I ruled the world as a 17-year-old. Going out in the city, having intense heartbreaks and moments of what felt like true love and, most importantly, meeting the people who will always be my best friends—these are the themes that make High School High a soundtrack to my own high school experience,” says Latour.

Latour’s music career is just beginning; she’s already accumulated over a million streams on Spotify and hopefully will release new music soon.

Latour has the type of music that makes you mad at imaginary relationships you never even had. She will make you feel like one time you really did cry in the back of a taxi thinking about your ex.

High School High has such an authentic sound that perfectly encapsulates what it means to get older. The experiences she sings about might not perfectly match your experience, but more or less they capture the “high school high” we all felt.

“I’ve always had a deep draw to music. Listening to music made me feel this insane way. I could walk through the world as if it was a movie. I could lean into this feeling of the romantic sublime and feel a purpose surging through me when I listened to my inspirations like Lorde, Gwen Stefani, Prince, Lana Del Rey or Queen. I started having these songs pour out of me, desperate to have closure with my emotions. Writing music was literally writing the soundtrack to my own thoughts,” says Latour.

This intensity and sincerity is ever present in Latour’s music. Her music is honest in a culture of watered-down lyrics. Latour promises to herself that she will only write a song that pours out of her, out of necessity.

On top of being such a talented singer, she is currently a freshman at Columbia University. Latour takes chances with her music, is uniquely herself and bold. She has new music coming out soon, but for now, she’s keeping it quiet so she can take some time to be a freshman.