Junior Explores Passion for Sports Reporting at WFUV
Ryan Gregware stayed true to his passion for sports reporting, becoming the Sports Director for WFUV. (Courtesy of Ryan Gregware for The Fordham Ram)
It was only by a stroke of luck that one random day in fifth grade he turned on the Yankees game and was instantly hooked on the Bronx Bombers. He then became the sports editor for his high school newspaper. Now, he’s embarking on a new challenge: Sports Manager of WFUV. Ryan Gregware, FCRH ’23, has gone from humble beginnings at Fordham to becoming the new top dog at WFUV.
After discovering his love for sports in elementary school and his passion for sports reporting in high school, he realized he could do this for a living.
“I think in 10th or 11th grade I took a broadcast production class,” said Gregware. “I was the sports editor of my school paper, and that is when I knew I wanted to do something in sports.”
And what better place to do that than Fordham University. Gregware’s decision to come to Fordham was quite simple: WFUV and the legacy that station carries produces sports media icons.
“The radio station was a huge pull for me, and it was ultimately the reason I chose Fordham,” he said. “Getting to see WFUV was a big draw, and I came into Fordham with the mindset to join the radio station.”
Like any freshman joining such an organization, Gregware was nervous and feared he would be cut. But, it all ended up being a good thing that he joined as he has risen to the top of the station as the sports manager-elect.
Gregware’s voice and name are known throughout the campus of Fordham for his colorful commentary on Fordham Men’s Basketball. He leads Nosebleeds, an MLB podcast, and does beat reporting for his beloved Yankees and Knicks on a regular basis.
But he didn’t always think he could rise to such heights. When he got the Yankees beat reporting job last summer, he had seen himself as a finished product.
“Once I got that beat last summer, and was fortunate enough to cover them, I truthfully thought that would be the peak. And I had no issues whatsoever.”
The lifelong Yankees fan has seen destiny fulfilled from his perspective, and was very happy about it. But destiny is a funny thing, especially when it has more planned for you down the road.
“I don’t think I ever had any intention of being the sports manager, I was just so focused on training and doing the best that I could,” Ryan said. “I’ve been blessed with some opportunities to be trusted and I hope that I’ve done enough in those roles to garner that trust.”
The current holder of the WFUV Sports Manager role, Alexander Wolz, FCRH ’23, placed a lot of faith in Gregware to do many different things this past year, and Gregware excelled in all of them. The process, while stressful, was also an exciting one.
“I remember going through it myself, and you always try to give your ideas to the program,” said Wolz. “But you want the next person to leave it in a better place than when you found it, and Ryan is definitely someone who has a lot of care and love for the place … but at the same time can do an even better job than I did.”
It just so happens that Gregware and Wolz were in the same training group, but Wolz saw something in Gregware that signaled to him that he was destined for greatness.
“It’s funny because my training group was mostly full of guys who are now juniors and are big parts of the program,” Wolz added. “But especially Ryan, he was just so incredibly focused and committed; he would sweat the little mistakes and he is also a big sports fan, too, but to see him grow in the years since is very exciting.”
Even the Sports Director of WFUV, Bobby Ciafardini, knows of Gregware’s potential and the process that it took to get to this point.
“To me, the sports manager has the same qualities as the captain of a sports team,” said Ciafardini, “Someone that fills in anywhere that is needed for that day. Ryan established himself as someone that is going to make a great leader, he has made strides in that department and I think he will be a fine sports manager as a senior.”
With the transition process already underway, Wolz now passes the torch of Sports Manager and the future of WFUV into good hands for Ryan Gregware.

Thomas Aiello is a senior from New Jersey majoring in journalism. He began writing for the Ram following his COVID-19 quarantine experience in February...