![Lizzy Zanghi What makes Danny a quintessential Fordham kid? He’s a vegetarian and a black belt.](https://thefordhamram.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/who-dat-kid-color-horz-zanghi.jpg)
Name: Danny Murphy
Year/campus: 2016, Living The Dream at Rose Hill
Major: Psychology/Communications & Media Studies
Hometown: Cranford, NJ
Describe yourself in a couple of sentences for the readers:
One time, a group of French tourists asked me on the subway, “ne fermez votre bouche?” which translates to “does your mouth close?” With that, I love to talk a lot and always try to laugh and make others laugh with me. Some of my favorite activities are watching shows on Netflix and Hulu plus with some Nutella nearby. I tweet a lot (@dannmurphy) and blog for @TrendyProblems (trendyproblems.com)
What is your favorite aspect of Fordham and why?
I think the fact that we have a beautiful campus to relax and bond at with the whole city as an additional playground is my favorite part. As Hannah Montana would put it, it is the “Best of Both Worlds.”
If there was one thing about Fordham you could change what would it be?
As a vegetarian, I would love some more adventurous food choices that go beyond cold Tofu. Additionally, as a Martyr, I want my A/C unit at all times.
What is your favorite thing to do in New York City?
I want to say that I love going to museums and soaking up a variety of cultures, but I really love going to great restaurants and pretending to be on a TV show.
What is something about you that not many people know?
My go-to answer for this question is that I have my black belt in Tae Kwon Do. People don’t really expect average-sized Irish boys to have that.
What is your favorite class at Fordham?
Definitely every core class! Haha, but I am really enjoying my French classes. I just started the language this year and I would love to perfect it enough to study abroad and blend in.
What is a personal goal you would like to accomplish over your four years here?
Personally, I want to look back and know that I did not pass up a single opportunity or chance while at college. Whether it be a social outing to trying for an internship, I don’t want any regrets.
What show, food, artist or movie would you consider your “guilty pleasure”?
“Nashville.” Hands down. I can feel the judgment right now, but I don’t even care. And yes, Hayden Panettiere is in it and sings.
What is the biggest misconception people have about you?
Hm. I feel like if people follow me on Twitter or hear me talking they think I’m constantly eating, which isn’t completely accurate. I also nap and watch a ton of YouTube videos.
Any insight on the presidential election?
I voted for Beyoncé.
Do you have plans, career or otherwise, for post-college life?
I love the entertainment field, and would love to be involved in any sector of it. From writing, producing, directing or anything else. Being Tina Fey as Liz Lemon or Tina Fey as Tina Fey would be pretty perfect.
What activities, clubs, projects or organizations are you involved with at school?
This semester I started an internship with WFUV Radio and I’m loving it! The opportunities I’ve already had from it are astounding. In addition, I am a member of CAB which is a blast and I cannot wait for Spring Weekend. Oh, and I sometimes write for The Ram!
If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you bring with you?
Ugh, I really am not a fan of the beach so this is hard. Maybe everyone involved in the TV show “LOST” because that lasted for like six years so they know how to survive.
If you could go back to your first day at Fordham, what advice would you give yourself?
I know I awkwardly walked from group to group at that carnival thing, which was really weird and probably very off-putting. So none of that. And I also put a ram emoji next to people’s names in my phone so I would know they were from Fordham- which was a little much. But besides that, I would tell myself to be confident and relax, because I quickly realized that every day at college should be treasured and lived to the fullest.