Alex Fischer Leaves Position as Director of Residential Life

Alex Fischer leaves his position as director of residential life at Fordham after two years in the job. (Courtesy of the Ram Archives)

In mid-March, Alex Fischer left his position as assistant dean of students and director of residential life, according to an email from Chris Rodgers, dean of students and assistant vice president of the university to the student leaders of the Student Life Committee (SLC). This email was just recently made available to the Ram. 

“As you have likely heard by now, Dean Fischer has left the University after serving as assistant dean/director of residential life for more than two years,” wrote Rodgers. “We wish him well. I am aware that he has shared news of his departure with some in the community, first and foremost our professional and student staff in Residential Life.”

Fischer’s reason for leaving his position at Fordham was not included in Rodgers’ email, and Fischer did not respond to the Ram’s request for comment. Fischer’s LinkedIn profile indicates that he is currently “open for work.” 

Fischer’s departure comes during a time of great strain for the Office of Residential Life, which is currently tasked with supporting students quarantining on campus.

“Given the timing, focus for this office during the past two weeks anticipating this transition has remained mainly life safety concerns, in particular close management of the ongoing health emergency,” wrote Rodgers in the email to the student leaders of SLC. 

Rodgers indicated that Residential Life staff members were still able to meet the demands placed on the office by the pandemic. “These professionals take very seriously our critical role in managing the continued effects of the recent spike in positives and its resulting quarantines, isolations, check-ins and meal deliveries.”

Fischer continues to be listed on Fordham’s online staff directory as director of residential life, but Rodgers is currently taking on the position in addition to his role as dean of students. 

The university did not respond to the Ram’s request for comment on Fischer’s decision to leave his position.