Autism Speaks U – Fordham University, a newly-established club on campus, hosted an informational panel in Keating 1st auditorium on Jan. 30. The panel sought to spread awareness throughout the university community about autism and discuss the need for acceptance in society of people affected by the condition.
“The objective for hosting this panel was to educate the University community about what autism is and how we can be more accepting of others on our campus and in society that lives with autism,” Adrian Whiting, FCRH ’14, president of Autism Speaks U – Fordham University, said. “Hopefully, we can begin by changing the public’s perception of people who are affected by the disorder.”
Five speakers presented at the panel from various Fordham departments and non-profit organizations: Moira Cray, a representative of the New York Center for Autism Charter School (NYCACS), Dr. Jeffrey Ng, the director of counseling and psychological services at Fordham, Amie Senland, M.A., a doctoral candidate in the psychology department at Fordham, Dr. James MacDonall, a Fordham psychology professor and Dr. Lauren Elder, the assistant director of dissemination science at Autism Speaks.
“[The speakers] discussed their own perceptions of autism and then presented their personal experiences with the condition,” Whiting said. “They focused on demystifying the definition of autism and what it’s like being around people who are autistic.”
After organizing the panel with the assistance of fellow executive board members, Whiting was satisfied with its outcome.
“I believe that the panel went very well,” Whiting said. “It was both an educational and informative experience that I believe a lot of students enjoyed.”
Autism Speaks U – Fordham University aims to further the mission of Autism Speaks by engaging the campus and local community in awareness, advocacy and fundraising efforts to help individuals and families affected by autism.
“[The club] aims to educate the University community about autism because we believe that education is our most powerful tool for changing the public’s perception about autism and making the student body more accepting of those who are ‘different.’” Whiting said. “We always need help planning events on campus and are looking for new ways to get the whole University community involved.”
Students believe that the panel was truly a fundamental step towards raising awareness and increasing acceptance of autism both inside the Fordham community and in society generally.
“I think the panel was an effective way to open up a discussion about the effects of autism on both the people with the condition and those interacting with the affected people,” Victoria Cipollone, FCRH ’14, said. “One in 88 American children has an Autism Spectrum Disorder and we, as a society, need to make strides to understand how we can help them to achieve more than they otherwise would have.”
For students interested in joining the club as a general member, general meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m in Keating Hall 219. Email [email protected] for more information.