Clubs Update USG

(Courtesy of United Student Government)

The United Student Government (USG) Senate meeting on Thursday Feb. 13 touched on an array of recent and upcoming campus events along with several topics involving official student business. President pro tempore Luke Morgan, GSB ’22, led the meeting in the absence of Vice President Ashley Qamar, GSB ’20.

Campus Activities Board (CAB) delegate Isabella Albani, GSB ’20, spoke about a successful Valentine’s Day week, with activities ranging from partner trivia to dating profile shoots and a blind date competition. Albani said that at a CAB retreat over the weekend, next year’s president was selected.

Commuting Students Association (CSA) also held a retreat over the weekend which included an activity at Skyzone, according to CSA delegate and senator Alex Chavez, GSB ’23.

Representing the Residence Hall Association (RHA), Senator Liam Leahy, FCRH ’22, spoke about Fordham Dance Marathon’s progress in reaching its goal for this year. Leahy said the group is already 43% of the way there after the auction Wednesday night helped secure some funds. FDM plans to do Insomnia Cookie sales prior to the main event on Mar. 6.

Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC) delegate Sydney Snow spoke about the success of “Breakfast of Champions,” an event that recognizes student athletes who are high academic achievers.

In addition to delegate updates, Senator David D’Onofrio, FCRH ’22, discussed his initiative to put roofing over campus shuttle stops. D’Onofrio said that in a meeting with John Carroll, vice president of Public Safety, the two agreed the roofing was needed next to the parking garage and by the Metro North station.

Vice President of Student Life, Kevin McSorley, GSB ’20, talked about the Beacon Exemplar Award process. McSorley said all students can fill out an online form to nominate any faculty or staff member on campus who shows exemplary work. The House Committee will decide who receives the honor, but all nominees are invited to a ceremony on Apr. 14.

Vice President of Sustainability, Maggie Tattersfield, FCRH ’22, said there will be a clothing collection on Wednesday, Feb. 19 in McGinley from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. A clothing pop-up will also be held Wednesday in Martyrs’ Court. Tattersfield announced that Mock Trial would be attending regionals in Washington D.C.

Executive President Kaylee Wong, GSB ’20, said that all of the women’s restrooms excluding one in the McGinley Center have free feminine products. She explained that Facilities Management will implement one machine in every building on campus this summer. Wong also announced that Public Safety vehicles will become hybrids in the near future.

Advisor Dean Arcuri reminded the senate of a text system implemented for the Office of Student Involvement for any students with general questions.