CSM Hosts their Bi-Annual “Week of Action”

The Clothesline Project started in Massachusetts. (Courtesy of Pia Fischetti/The Fordham Ram)

Fordham University’s United Student Government’s (USG) Committee on Sexual Misconduct (CSM) hosted their bi-annual “Week of Action” from March 7–11. The purpose of the week is to support survivors of sexual misconduct, as well as help educate the Fordham community on prevention through hosting a variety of events. The committee’s events range from a variety of educational presentations to movie screenings to The Clothesline Project.

CSM opened the Week of Action by participating in The Clothesline Project.

The Clothesline Project was started in Massachusetts and aims to create a visual display of how sexual assault can affect people. At Fordham, CSM invites students to write messages about sexual assault on t-shirts, which are then hung up around Edward’s Parade for the entirety of the week.

Later that day, CSM hosted a screening of the documentary, “The Hunting Ground,” which discusses the failure of colleges across the United States to investigate sexual assault cases. It also brings attention to how many sexual assault cases on college campuses go unreported. The film also discusses the use of Title IX complaints as a way to respond to sexual assault and encourage universities to investigate. Female students at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill were the first to use a Title IX complaint about sexual misconduct. Today, using Title IX is an extremely common way to report instances of sexual misconduct in universities.

CSM teamed up with Fordham’s Women’s Empowerment club to host “Speak Out Against Sexual Assault” at Rodrigue’s Coffee House on Tuesday. This event returned to the “Week of Action” this year.

During the speak out, individuals are invited to share their experiences with sexual misconduct to an audience.

According to CSM’s Instagram, the speak out creates a “safe space [of] listening and learning from survivors and allies.”

Another returning event to the “Week of Action” was a presentation given by a representative from the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office.

According to CSM, Scarlet Thompson from the District Attorney’s office gave an “interactive presentation on supporting survivors and restorative justice.” In the past, CSM has featured presentations from the DA’s office about topics like “Bystander Intervention” and “Repair & Responsibility.”

CSM also brought back their tabling event, “Candy and Consent,” hosted in the McShane Campus Center.

This event offers students candy as well as educational resources on consent. In addition to the events that returned to the Week of Action this year, CSM introduced a new event called “Healing Yoga,” a program aimed at teaching students about the restorative and healing properties that yoga can have on people.

Additionally, “Healing Yoga” featured a representative from Counseling and Psychological Services to have a conversation with students about mindfulness.

CSM teamed up with Leading Women of Tomorrow, Spire and CurlTalk to host their returning program “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.”

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace” is a presentation aimed at educating students on instances of sexual harassment in the professional world. The presentation tries to show students “ways to spot, combat and report sexual harassment in the workplace.”

The week concluded with a bake sale hosted by CSM in the McGinley Gallery.

Students who want more information about the “Week of Action” or the Committee of Sexual Misconduct can follow the committee’s Instagram page, @csm_fordhamusg to stay up to date on their upcoming events or resources.