Fordham Introduces Inaugural Len Blavatnik Research Fellowship

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This new STEM fellowship will allow for more undergraduate students to engage and participate in research opportunities.

For the first time this year, Fordham University is offering the Len Blavatnik STEM Research Fellowship, which will help to support undergraduate research in numerous STEM fields. The Blavatnik Family Foundation’s generous grant will allow Fordham to present five awards of $2,500 each to support and cultivate undergraduate research. Dedicated to a mission of “supporting scientists in early state research and discovery,” the Blavatnik Foundation recognizes the promise and unlimited potential for change that young researchers display.

Len Blavatnik is a global philanthropist who prioritizes scientific research and discovery as well as higher education. Supporting his mission of advancing higher education, scientific discoveries and the arts through charitable giving, his foundation has contributed over $900 million to hundreds of charitable institutions globally. With a love of universities and institutions of higher education, Blavatnik believes that “funding young scientists at premier universities and scientific research centers will more quickly advance research and transform discovery into practical applications to improve human health.”

Giving a historical donation of $200 million to Harvard Medical School and $65 million for the Harvard Business School to be used for other research initiatives, the Blavatnik Foundation certainly does not shy away from its goal of funding undergraduate researchers. The donations from the Blavatnik Foundation aim to alleviate one aspect of beginning a research endeavor — funding.

What is it about young researchers? Not only do they have a drive and ambition to make the world better than they found it, but they are committed to seeing their goals through. Blavatnik’s foundation offers a chance for these researchers to get their projects off the ground and into practice experiments with tangible benefits and effects. As seen in Blavatnik’s 2007 creation of the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists, in accordance with the New York Academy of Sciences, this esteemed panel evaluates applicants and awards promising scientists during the early stages of their career, “at a point in scientific discovery when seed funding can most significantly accelerate breakthrough research.”

With applicants enrolled in STEM fields at Fordham College Rose Hill or Lincoln Center such as biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering physics, environmental science, general science and so many more, this grant will cultivate research in numerous fields of study. According to Dean Rachel Annunziato, it is extremely important for students to participate in undergraduate research at Fordham University, but challenges usually stop students from doing so.

“Often research supplies are very costly, and we are so grateful that the Blavatnik funds will offer a chance for our students to think big and boldly. We envision that these funds will set the stage for high-impact, foundational work and a tremendous opportunity to deepen students’ involvement in undergraduate research,” said Annunziato.

Blavatnik’s grant will be immeasurably important to those who see their research making a difference in the world, but do not have the materials or funds to begin. The Len Blavatnik Fellowship not only provides the startup material for these projects, but also supports them.
With a clear message that emphasizes its commitment to the cultivation of undergraduate research, this grant supports young researchers’ big dreams.