Fordham Suspends All Face-to-Face Instruction for Spring Semester


(Courtesy of Flickr)

Fordham University is suspending all face-to-face instruction on all New York-area campuses through the end of the spring semester, according to an email from Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., president of the university. The suspension comes in light of reports on the novel coronavirus in New York.

All university events are canceled through May 11. Administrators hope to communicate regarding significant events such as Commencement and Jubilee no later than April 8.

“We are making this decision in the interest of health and safety of all members of the Fordham community as the coronavirus pandemic sweeps through the United States,” said McShane.

Residential students are being asked to leave housing as quickly as they can. The email said Residential Life will be in contact as soon as possible regarding housing and travel logistics.

McShane cited several reasons for canceling face-to-face classes.

Though as of today we have no members of the campus community diagnosed with CaOVID-19 … it is highly probable that we would see the virus spread rapidly on a fully occupied campus, and we would not be able to isolate or treat individuals who had contracted the virus,” he said.

McShane also said the possibility of having to suspend classes again would cause even more disruption to professors’ class plans by suspending classes before the end of spring break, professors, students and administrators will be able to better prepare for the rest of the semester.

“This is not the way I had hoped we would finish the semester, and I will very much miss seeing all of you out and about on campus, but the global pandemic in which we are now embroiled has forced our hand,” he said.

This article will be updated as new information comes to light.