(Samuel Joseph/The Ram)
By Kris Venezia
Fordham University students know how to enjoy their Friday, Saturday and occasionally their Tuesday nights, but there were limited options for students who wanted to grab a drink last school year.
This year has been different. The Blend welcomed guests last Thursday after being on hiatus for over a year, and the Blue Goose Tavern opened at the end of August to bring back “tri-bar” around Arthur Avenue and 189th Street.
“Last year, bars were crowded and not enjoyable,” said Jack O’Rourke, FCRH ’15. “For me, a place like the Blue Goose [Tavern] consistently offers a fun option every night.”
The Blue Goose Tavern, or “The Goose” as some students refer to it, was originally slated to begin pouring drinks in the spring semester of 2014.
However, owner Simon Kajtazi had to push the opening back after some difficulties with New York City bureaucracy.
“We had a very big issue with the [Department of Buildings] and permits and we did comply and meet all of the requirements,” Kajtazi said. “Now that we’re open, we’re doing pretty good.”
“A lot of people have said they’re thankful that we opened up because other bars get too crowded and now with tri-bar back in effect, it should help with cluttering in the bar area.”
Kajtazi and the Blue Goose Tavern received criticism on social media after opening later than anticipated and for a promotion called the “Blue Goose Card.”
The card was offered before the bar opened for $200 and would have given students $350 of credit. But Kajtazi said when the bar began serving drinks, he realized it would be unfair to patrons who could not get their hands on the card. Because of this, Blue Goose was forced to rescind its original card deal.
“I don’t want [people who bought the card] thinking I suckered them into giving their money up, but I didn’t want people seeing me giving extra drinks out to some people,” Kajtazi said.
He said the bar reached out and refunded the $200 to everyone who bought the cards, and he also encouraged the one or two who have not already gotten their money back to reach out to him for a refund.
“Everybody who bought the card will get their money back,” he said. “I want to focus now on making the bar as fun and as safe as possible for students.”
Some students have enjoyed the addition of a new bar close to campus because it gives more options for hanging out with friends.
“The Blue Goose [Tavern] is a solid, cheap addition to tri-bar,” said Jeff Feng, GSB’15. “I enjoy the cheap beverages and the good crowd”
Vince Verdan, GSB’15, said while he enjoys going to the other bars, the Blue Goose Tavern has some perks.
“I like the Blue Goose [Tavern] because it’s never too crowded and I don’t have to push my way through a crowd just to get a drink,” he said.
Students now have a long list of places to visit on the weekends with the Bronx Beer Hall, Howl at the Moon, Mugz, Blue Goose Tavern and The Blend not far from campus.
While the Fordham University Rose Hill campus in the Bronx will probably never gain national recognition for its night life, students should enjoy the different options for a night out after acing midterm exams.
Kris Venezia is a Staff Writer for The Fordham Ram.