Fordham students are known for their volunteerism, but a new student group has recently formed to give back to Fordham students themselves. The Student Philanthropy Committee is a group that serves as an ambassador to the Fordham alumni community, striving to support and give back to the student body.
Still young, the committee was created in the spring of last year by Sarah Wainio, FCRH ‘09. According to the group’s Facebook page, its mission is to be “men and women for others, giving to support student scholarship, campus facilities, and special projects.”
They are striving to embrace Jesuit ideals and help Fordham students to do the same. “Fundraising is an extension of direct service,” Wainio said. She and the Student Philanthropy Committee are educating students on the world of philanthropy through grassroots movements and word of mouth.
Joseph Posimato, FCRH ’14, has been a part of the committee since the beginning. Posimato outlined the core values of the group as expressed in two main undertakings.
“We want to eliminate the need that a lot of Fordham students have. I think most students don’t realize how many students are here on scholarship and that the necessity of generosity from outside donors for the student to be able to go here,” said Posimoto.
Eighty-five percent of Fordham’s undergraduate class is receiving financial aid, a surprisingly high number.
“Secondly, it’s to spur the desire of giving back to the Fordham community through philanthropy,” Posimato said. The bulk of the Student Philanthropy Committee’s work goes to funding scholarships for students to offset the cost of attendance.
In addition, last year it helped orchestrate the Senior Gift to the school. The hope is that if students see the good in donating now to their fellow Rams, after they graduate, they can continue to be generous.
The Student Philanthropy Committee goes beyond just funding and distributing scholarships; they take the next step which sets them apart in the Fordham club community.
Last semester it started the “I Get So I Give” campaign, surrounding a video that showcased scholarship recipients who explained that they give back to Fordham because they received so much in the past.
With a school so deeply grounded in service, it is easy to forget what is going on in our own backyard. Student Philanthropy Committee is shedding some well-deserved light on the need to help fellow student.
The Student Philanthropy Committee is small, and is looking for new dedicated members. The Executive Board members have mebraced the clubs’ small size and say club meetings is one of their favorite parts of the club. At the moment, the club has five members.
Raisa Ahmed, FCRH ’16, said, “As long as we believe our small group can do the work and put all their 100 percent in we feel fine.”
The Student Philanthropy Committee recently announced its “20/20 Challenge,” coming in April. Twenty recent, young alumni have come together to donate $20,000 to the Fordham community, and they are challenging the student body to match their donation with $10,000 of their own.
They represent the full spectrum of Fordham, hailing from all campuses and demonstrating the lasting impact of giving back that Fordham strives to teach its students. Though their start has been modest with small e-mail appeals, this new initiative is an ambitious jump.
While the nature of the group’s work is mainly marketing and business, all majors are encouraged to apply.