USG Addresses Accusations of Compromised Election

(Courtesy of United Student Government)

Fordham Rose Hill United Student Government (USG) has been addressing and dispelling current accusations and rumors that the 2021 Senate Election has become compromised.  

On Thursday, April 15 at the regularly scheduled USG meeting, the Election Commission Co-Chairs, Olivia Quartell and Reilly Keane, began the meeting by stating they were very disappointed and discouraged by the behavior in this year’s senate elections.

Each weekly meeting begins with Public Concerns. During this time, senators can speak on anything that they feel needs to be addressed and discussed.

Vice President of Sustainability, Maggie Tattersfield, FCRH ’22, brought up her concern of a compromised election during this period in response to the Co-Chairs. 

Tattersfield alleged that “one-third of the Senate, supposedly representative of 2793 students collectively, broke election code by forming alliances and publicly endorsing other candidates in the election of the Vice President of Finance, the Vice President of Fordham College at Rose Hill, the Vice President of Sustainability, the Vice President of Health and Security and the class of 2024 Senate.” 

The USG election code defines a major infraction in section 5.04 as “a significant material impact on the election that causes severe harm to the integrity of the election.” 

The election code was written and edited by the senators, then voted on in the Senate, and when candidates agree to run, they must sign an intent to abide form, explained Vice President of the Gabelli School of Business, Reilly Keane, GSB ’21.

The election code specifically states that “The Election Commission reserves the right to determine if any similar infractions constitute a major infraction.” One of the infractions listed includes “Use of slander or libel against another candidate, even if you are not running against that candidate in the current election cycle.”

The infraction had been reported to the election commission earlier that week, on April 12th, and already been dealt with in the commission. 

Tattersfield motioned for a reevaluation of the class of 2024 Senate Elections. The motion did not get a second, nor did it pass as the rest of the senate felt the action taken within the Election Commission was enough.

The Election Commission chose to suspend the campaign of the guilty parties. Parties were suspended between 12 and 24 hours. This barred them from campaigning during their allotted suspension period. 

“Despite a contentious election, USG prides itself on empathic representation of students,” said current Vice President Thomas Reuter and President Elect, FCRH ’22. “As your new Executive Ticket, we look forward to creating a more welcoming, inclusive and compassionate campus in the upcoming year through fair and thoughtful leadership.”