USG Discusses Lifted Mask Mandate

(Courtesy of Facebook)

Two weeks ago, on March 10, Fordham University Rose Hill United Student Government met to discuss issues around Fordham’s campus. 

Senator Jack Glynn, GSB ’25, reported to the Senate that there have been an increasing number of students getting food poisoning from on campus dining establishments. 

Vice President of Student Life, Elizabeth Vernon, GSB ’22, stated that this is a serious concern and that the dining liaison will discuss it with Aramark as soon as possible. 

Concerns about Fordham’s Walsh Entry Gate were also raised at this meeting. Vice President of Sustainability Liz Shim, FCRH ’23, stated that the gate occasionally does not open at all. Senator Frank Velez, FCRH ’23, added that a few weeks ago it was reported that the gate stayed open for about two hours. 

This is a safety concern for students on campus, and USG will reach out to Public Safety to help resolve this issue. 

Student Ollie Cantarella, FCRH ’23, came to this week’s Senate meeting with concerns regarding the lifting of Fordham’s mask mandate. Cantarella stated that they felt the lifting of the mask mandate was “incredibly ableist,” stating that they personally have two siblings with diagnosed Cystic Fibrosis as well as peers and faculty members who are struggling with this decision. 

Cantarella asked  Fordham to rethink the lifting of its mask mandate for the sake of students who are immunocompromised and still at risk from COVID-19. “The carelessness in this decision disheartens me,” said Cantarella. They added that students are still experiencing breakthrough cases despite the vaccination rates within campus. 

Cantarella closed by stating that they are “speaking on behalf of the students who are upset by this decision,” and that they are not alone in these feelings. 

Executive Vice President Arianna Chen, FCRH ’22, said to Cantarella  that USG, unfortunately, had no involvement in the decision to lift the mask mandate; however, Chen would inform the administration of Cantarella’s concerns in the coming weeks. 

Three clubs presented at this week’s Senate meeting, the first being Crochet Collective. The club’s  goal is to encourage Fordham students who are interested in crocheting to come together and give back to the Bronx community. 

Using their crocheting skills, club members aim to create useful items such as hats, scarves and children’s toys to donate throughout the Bronx. This club has passed and will now be on Rose Hill’s campus. 

The second club presented was the Golf Club. This club used to be present at Rose Hill but has since dissolved. The new founders of the Golf Club would like it to be revamped and reinstated on campus. 

Its new purpose on campus is to give all Fordham students equal access to golf, educate new golfers on the sport and create connections between everyone at Fordham who has an interest in golf. 

This club will be for recreational purposes only and will not be entering any tournaments. The Golf Club was passed. 

The final club to present at this meeting was the Undergraduate American Medical Women’s Association. This association is a national association, and the presenters would like to establish a Fordham Chapter. 

The mission is to bring together those who are interested in health-related fields, in order to promote women’s health and support members’ professional and personal development through advocacy, leadership, education and service. 

The Undergraduate American Medical Women’s Association Fordham Chapter has passed and will now be available to Rose Hill students.