USG Discusses Sustainability Petition and Approves Two New Clubs

(Photo courtesy of USG)

By Kristen McNerney

The United Student Government (USG) Senate meeting on Thursday, Jan. 25, discussed the Sustainability Committee petition urging the university to run on 100 percent renewable energy by 2040.

Representatives said they had concerns about potential costs and criticized the wording of the petition, stating that it seemed like a large demand of the university with too much unknown information.

“It’s too concrete when we don’t have the facts to back it up,” said Ashley Qamar, GSB ’20.

Vice President of Sustainability, Gabrielle Perez, FCRH ’21, said that the petition is a “call to action” and cited other colleges such as Cornell and Boston University who have implemented strong environmental policies through student action.

She said that the nonprofit, Environment America, has worked with university students before to meet their goals.

“This isn’t a completely unreasonable thing,” said Perez.

Other representatives voiced their support for Perez and the petition. They said it was a goal worthy of their time and attention and that it would be best to start somewhere.

Amanda D’Antone, GSB ’19, said that not all USG representatives put their names on the petition and asked if it could be edited to remove USG from its title. Other representatives suggested taking down the petition and replacing it with USG Senate approved wording.

Executive Vice President Kaylee Wong, GSB, ’20 said that doing so would silence the 300 people who had already signed it. A motion was passed for representatives to add their comments and suggestions to the original document before making formal edits.

Two new student organizations received Senate approval at the meeting. President Emily Sayegh presented for the Middle Eastern Students’ Association. She said the club’s purpose is to build a community for Middle Eastern students and students who stand in solidarity with the Middle East.

Sayegh said the club would interact with other minority organizations to encourage diversity.

The Bronx Oncology Living Daily organization also made their case. President Natalie Mistikawy said that the club’s focus is to raise cancer awareness in the Bronx and provide psychosocial needs to cancer patients. She said the club will partner with the NGO, BronxWorks at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Mistikawy said that the organization would allow students to participate in clinical research and would create a bridge between Fordham and Einstein College.

Maggie Rothfus, FCRH ’20, chair of the Dining Committee, stated that reusable cups in Urban Kitchen are acceptable if students request to use tthem. She also said that the application, Tapingo, is undergoing a trial for allergen-free food options.
Commuting Students Association delegate Vanessa Reyes, FCRH ’19, said that commuter week will be held March 4-9 with a “Rams Got Talent” talent show.