The Fordham Rose Hill United Student Government (USG) met on Thursday, Jan. 23, to review club presentations and new business.
The co-founders of Doctors Without Borders presented their club proposal at last week’s meeting. The purpose of the club would be to combine volunteer work with healthcare efforts, focusing on advocacy and community service, specifically in the Bronx and on campus. They hope to advocate for and provide support for a variety of humanitarian crises with a more specific focus on the Bronx and Fordham community. The club itself would not just be for pre-health students, but for all Fordham students who are interested in joining. They explained that by focusing on the betterment of the community and advocating for humanitarian rights, the club hopes to encourage broad participation and awareness across all fields of study. The club’s executive board members plan to meet every four to six weeks and host general meetings about once a month where they work on possible guest speaker events and fundraising opportunities. Some events that they would like to organize include fundraisers, such as fun runs, bake sales, blood donation drives, mental health awareness events and guest speakers. The club would require funding from USG for compensation for their speakers and other event costs.
Executive President Eron Maltzman, GSB ’25, presented the executive report. The upcoming USG retreat is scheduled for either Saturday, Feb. 8 or Sunday, Feb. 9. Maltzman stated that they will be tabling their discussion on the USG Bylaws due to further necessary research prior to their review.
He then opened a discussion regarding the possibility of creating a new Study Abroad committee that would be a permanent part of USG. Currently, there is a Study Abroad subcommittee that is a part of the FCRH Dean’s Council, however, Maltzman wants to integrate it even further into USG by making it a permanent committee. Vice President of Fordham College at Rose Hill Emma Blake, FCRH ’25, explained that she believes that the current Study Abroad subcommittee head has reservations about integrating further into USG; however, Blake thinks that this change will help the subcommittee to get more responses from the Study Abroad Office as there have been issues with lack of communication and responses. Additionally, other USG members brought up concerns from students regarding the study abroad application process. Such as students having difficulty getting professor’s letters of recommendation, students on the health and pre-medical academic tracks having more difficulty than others when trying to go abroad. The lack of STEM classes available and many more concerns will be discussed in further detail at next week’s meeting.
Maltzman announced that they will have multiple speakers at next week’s meeting, as he invited Fordham’s department heads to present to USG. He also stated that he wants to invite the Fordham student body to be more involved in the Club of the Month decision by allowing them to nominate clubs that they feel deserve the recognition rather than simply having the senate classes nominate them. They are still working on creating the best way for them to receive the student body’s feedback.
Vice President of Operations Megan Ruzicka, GSB ’27, stated that she is currently working with the Office of Student Involvement on her committee’s upcoming projects and she reminded the USG members to sign up for the Out of the Darkness Walk, which is scheduled for April 5. Vice President of Finance and Budget Peter Grimes, FCRH ’26, said that the first day of club training was a success and that issues with the RamsInvolved page should be fixed now, so clubs can submit their appeals. Vice President of Student Life Joe DaProcida, FCRH ’25, stated that he is currently working on this year’s Beacon Exemplar event. Blake announced that her Undergraduate Research subcommittee has three grant and proposal writing workshops coming up, her STEM subcommittee is having a panel on Feb. 11, the Study Abroad subcommittee is planning a student panel and the Student Wellness subcommittee is working on a new proposal with Dean Maura Mast.
Senator Grace Shin, FCRH ’28, stated that she is currently working on implementing a wellness room on campus. This would essentially be a space for students who are having a potential mental health crisis, need space for an online therapy session or simply want to go somewhere where they can de-stress. In the wellness room, there would be coloring books, journaling materials and mental health related items that students can use to help them feel better. Shin is still working on the proposal and is talking with Counseling and Psychological Services to get this room implemented as soon as possible.