Proud Boys Riots: How Trumpism Lives on Past the Former President’s Reign

Prevention is always key when dealing with matters of national security, but in the case of the recent Proud Boys riot at the nation’s capital, preventative measures were ignored. (Courtesy of Twitter)

Prevention is always key when dealing with matters of national security, but in the case of the recent Proud Boys riot at the nation’s capital, preventative measures were ignored. The Proud Boys have an extensive history of malfeasance, which law enforcement deliberately chose to ignore. Had these conspirators not been primarily white men, they likely would not have received this preferential treatment. This senseless act of destruction is another unfortunate example of the dangers that come from ignoring Trumpian Republicanism’s extremist ideologies. 

The event that took place on Jan. 6 could have been easily avoided had the authorities paid adequate attention to the extremist group. A Proud Boys leader from Washington had used social media to recruit members for the riot and gather the necessary weaponry to storm the Capitol. Law enforcement should have questioned those who were actively threatening to cause harm on these social threads. 

Similarly, the group utilized Venmo at a rally in 2018 and wrote of their intent to cause harm in the memo section of the app. Something this obvious, which occurred  two years ago, should have merited more of a response than just “strong discouragement.” Since these members were actively rioting, injuring people and destroying property, it makes little sense that they were not subdued before the Jan. 6 attack.

Though Director of the FBI Christopher Wray mentioned that he discouraged attendance at the riot, the fact that the group had support from other FBI members and NYPD officers does not bode well. When there is an organized plan to cause destruction, law enforcement should stage adequate security measures at the Capitol. Giving this group the freedom to attack such an important building while aware of the rap sheet the Proud Boys carry is incredibly irresponsible. Adequate blame should be assigned to those who knowingly allowed these events to occur. 

However, even with all the media coverage, this attack has received, the inconsistencies within our justice system make it likely that this group will continue its radical behavior without any intervention. Even after the deaths that took place, it is very likely that these members’ charges will not stick. Despite Trump being out of office, his followers remain devoted to preserving his memory and policies at whatever cost they deem necessary.

As a community, we need to remember that extremist groups like this do not represent the rest of the population’s ideas and morals. This subset of people behaved in a manner distinctly different from Democrats, Independents and Republicans who do not support Trump. After horrific events such as these, the only thing to do is to use this experience as an example and treat all threats to our nation appropriately, regardless of who is making them.

Carolyn Branigan, FCRH ’24, is an English major from Tinton Falls, N.J.