A Letter To Our Ram Seniors
To our Fordham Ram Seniors,
We are immensely proud to be able to give you a farewell and see you off into the next stage of your lives. The Fordham Ram is incredibly lucky to have had you serve as staff for a full year (if not more) of your undergraduate career to ensure that the Fordham community receives their newspaper every week without fail. You’ve been there for some of the messiest and craziest moments in Ram history — moments we might not have been able to make it through were it not for your dedication and commitment to the Ram.

Ava Erickson: Our Editor in Chief emerita: we are deeply grateful for the hours you put into the Ram, giving it more than what was required to expected of you. The progress you made and innovations in our production cycle will carry forward into future generations of the paper — we’re barely half a year beyond your tenure and your impact is already recognizable. The Ram truly wouldn’t be the same without you.

Pia Fischetti: Our Multimedia Director: you were instrumental in making sure that the Ram’s legacy lived beyond weekly newspapers. Between the website, social media and the email briefings, I still don’t know how you managed to juggle all of it perfectly. Countless people had the Ram delivered directly to their inboxes, computers, phones, etc.; people who would not have known otherwise. If not for you, who knows how many people would be reading the Ram?
Opinion Team: I truly do not know what we would have done without you. Ever since I was barely an Assistant News Editor, I was able to recognize how essential the three of you were in running the Opinion section like an incredibly well-oiled machine for Volume 103 and how your efficiency inspired every other section of the Ram. I remember how disappointing it was to hear that none of you intended to return to the positions for Volume 104.However, I also remember how relieving it was to hear that you both stepped up to join 104’s Opinion section following rapid changes early into the year. You kept the Ram alive.

Thomas Aielo: Our Assistant Sports Editor: thank you. Really, thank you for the infectious smile and delightful energy you brought to the Ram. Not only did you make your dedication to the Sports section (and, generally, sports journalism) incredibly apparent, but it was just as apparent how easy it was for you to make people smile simply by walking into a room. I’m sad we kept you locked away in the Sports dungeon, but I’m glad you made your way over to the main room as often as you did.
Elisabeth Murray: Our Culture Editor: every time you walked into B-52, you carried with you a fierce spirit that was able to stoke the flames of any conversation held in the room. Your contributions to our weekly philosophical discussions were something to look forward to, and many of them have remained in our memories.
Photo Team: I need to commend you for how committed the both of you were to improving the photographic leg of the Ram. Nicoleta, all of us at the newspaper have nothing but admiration for your decision to save us from terribly-lit staff headshots and bring us to beautiful portraits taken on the Keating steps. Nick, I’ll never forget how often I bumped into you taking photos for the Ram all over campus.
Justin Charles: Our Digital Producer: you were a vital part in making sure our social media presence is as consistent, reliable and accurate as it is.

Sebastian Diaz is a senior from Chapel Hill, N. C. who is double majoring in journalism and film. After starting as a news reporter for The Fordham Ram...