Fordham Offers Joint Tutoring Between Lincoln Center and Rose Hill

The Lincoln Center and Rose Hill tutoring programs will be pooling resources as virtual tutoring takes down inter-campus restrictions. (Courtesy of Fordham’s Website)
This year, Fordham will offer joint tutoring services within both campuses. The program consists of a range of subjects and offers students opportunities to get help in difficult classes.
Although both campuses currently offer separate tutoring services. Rachel Annunziato, Ph.D., associate dean for Strategic Initiatives for Fordham College at Rose Hill, said the FCRH-FCLC joint tutoring program is meant to streamline existing resources routinely offered by our departmental partners.
The joint service aims to make it easier for students to have access to tutoring services, she said.
“We hoped that by offering a common access point, the SSC Navigate platform, that it would make the process of seeking services easier for our students,” said Annunziato.
Students can currently sign up for tutoring in biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, math, natural sciences, physics, philosophy and theology. Students can access information about the tutors on Fordham’s website.
According to Annunziato, the program is being coordinated by Sonia Montiero, a graduate student and instructor in the theology department.
“She works closely with our team [Deans Garcia, Williams, Beer and Annunziato], departments, and our tutors,” she said. “We also have tremendous help from our SSC Navigate teammates Richard Eberhardt and Gene Fein.”
According to Annuziato, the program has been very successful so far.,
“[The] turnout has been very strong with over 100 appointments logged already,” she said.
This year’s tutoring is being conducted virtually, which helps increase accessibility for all students, whether they’re studying on campus or remotely. Virtual tutoring changes the tone and overall feel of tutoring compared to years past, she said.
“Everyone is virtual and I think missing the social connection that we get from being on campus,” said Loli Alvarez, FCLC ’21, a current tutor. “But within the group of tutors, we have a group chat that serves as an open line of communication so that we can all support each other.”
Alvarez, who is involved with two tutoring programs on campus, noted that tutoring helps both the tutee and the tutor. She described a moment from last year in a group tutoring session.
“All nine of us sat around with abnormal psych notes, and we were able to bounce ideas off each other and prompt, not only me [the tutor] but each other,” said Alvarez. “When I think of tutoring, I like to think of that moment again. Tutoring is a lot less building a road and more like working as a team to fill in the potholes. Most of the appointments are done one on one with the tutor and tutee, but I would not shy away from replicating that moment.”
Alvarez also noted ways that interested students can get involved with the program. Those that are interested in tutoring can reach out to a tutor or contact Peggy Andover Ph.D.
Students interested in being tutored can access the tutors’ schedule through the SSC Navigate link in the Student Tab of their my.fordham account.
“Tutoring appointments are done through the classes that someone is taking so that if there is a tutor that is tutoring for that class, the tutee can schedule an appointment based on the tutor’s schedule,” said Alvarez.

Isabel Danzis is a senior from Bethesda, Md. She is double majoring in journalism and digital technologies and emerging media. The Ram has been a very...