“Tri-Bar” has not been “Tri-Bar” since the closing of Ziggy’s over a year ago, but there is good news for Fordham students who are tired of the long lines and crowded bars around 189th Street and Arthur Avenue.
Simon Kajtazi, the current owner of Simon’s Deli, is giving Fordham students a new place to go for drinks and a good time – the Blue Goose Tavern.
“[I’ve] seen the drop in students hanging around the Arthur Avenue section around 189th [Street], which is ‘Tri-Bar’ or the ‘Barmuda Triangle,’” Kajtazi said. “When Ziggy’s closed down, I figured if we opened up another bar around here, a lot more students would hang out around here rather than going into the city or going to the house parties, which don’t have any security.”
The Blue Goose Tavern will also be slightly different from other bars in the area.
“We are shooting for a center bar, not a bar against the wall,” Kajtazi said. “It’s also going to look like a tavern with wood inside.”
The center bar, also called an island bar, should make buying a drink easier for Fordham patrons hoping to sustain their buzz.
The Blue Goose Tavern will be located on 189th Street and Hoffman Avenue, a few doors down from Howl at the Moon Bar & Grill, and the opening date should be in mid-to-late February.
Jordan Catalana, GSB ’15, lives on 188th Street and Hoffman Avenue. She said the Blue Goose Tavern is a great addition to the neighborhood because it gives Fordham students a safe place to hang out.
“Not only is the bar a block away from my house, but the opening of a new bar in the area will help all of the students who, realistically, just can’t all squeeze into Mugz’s and [Howl at the Moon Bar & Grill],” Catalana said. “Usually, I opt to chill at apartments on the weekends, but the prospect of a new spot to hang out makes me excited to shake things up a bit.”
Victor Bachelot, GSB ’15, agreed with Catalana. He said he cannot wait for “Tri-Bar” to become “Tri-Bar” again.
“Since Ziggy’s closed, all bars have been over-packed,” he said. “It’s nice to have a new bar to go to rather than the same two bars.”
The news of the upcoming Blue Goose Tavern has been trending lately on social media. There’s been a jump in “likes” on the Facebook page and “followers” of @THEBLUEGOOSETAV.
Kajtazi and Grace Bolan, assistant manager of the Blue Goose Tavern, have also been using Facebook and Twitter to spread the word about a special offer that sounds almost too good to be true.
The Blue Goose Pre-Paid Card comes with a variety of benefits, including $350 credit to spend at the Blue Goose Tavern, no cover (excluding special nights), no waiting in line (card holders get to walk right in) and an exclusive “card holder only” party before the grand opening.
And the list goes on. Card holders will also be entered into a raffle for four tickets to Kanye West’s show at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut on Feb. 21, with a free hotel room for the night, and the Pre-Paid Blue Goose Card offers 15 percent off at Simon’s Deli when a card holder orders in-store.
The card costs $200, which is an incredible bargain considering the VIP receives $350 credit to the Blue Goose Tavern that never expires.
Kajtazi said Fordham students should act quickly because he is only issuing 300 Pre-Paid Blue Goose Cards.
“If I don’t have any more cards, you could give me a $1000 and you’re not getting a card,” he said. “I’m doing the card to boost sales, to let people know there’s a new place in town… psych people up and get people ready for when it opens up.”
Kajtazi said students who want to get their hands on a card should reach him directly on his cell phone; the number is listed on the Blue Goose Tavern Facebook page. Students can also get in touch with Kajtazi for the card using Facebook and Twitter.
Kajtazi’s family owns multiple businesses just outside of Fordham University’s gates, including Michaelangelo’s, Howl, Simon’s Deli and Tony & Tina’s. The family will soon have one more popular venue with the Blue Goose Tavern.
“We’ve had a lot of success with the college students,” Kajtazi said. “It’s not about the money; we are here for the Fordham students.”
He said getting the bar, which used to be a barbershop, ready for the grand opening has had a few challenges, but he can’t wait to open his doors to the Fordham community.
“If I could have opened up yesterday, I would have opened up yesterday,” he said.
Bob R. • Jan 29, 2014 at 7:30 pm
How much will Simon be charging the students at the door to get in that he falsely claims to be helping?