By Akash Bhatia
Around campus, there have been a lot of misconceptions circulating about Fordham Health Services. For example, there is confusion about whether the Fordham Health Center provides certain services such as STI testing, along with other health services.
Kathleen Malara, director of Fordham Health Services, said she wants to shed some light on the realities of the Health Center.
“All the services are listed on the website and in our brochure,” Malara said. “Anyone can come pick one up at the Health Center,”
The purpose of Health Services, as described by its brochure, “is to provide confidential primary health care to students on all campuses.”
The Health Center at the Rose Hill campus is located in the lower level of O’Hare Hall and is open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekends.
The Health Center does not provide emergency services, as that is the responsibility of the Fordham University Emergency Medical Services (FUEMS).
While many people may criticize health services for leaving emergencies to a group of undergraduate students, FUEMS is certified by the State of New York as an ambulance corps, and all FUEMS members are trained in American Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR. All of this information is stated in the brochure.
The combination of the website and the brochure can provide incredibly useful information for Fordham students, according to Malara.
For example, the confidentiality of medical information is an issue that is covered thoroughly by the brochure.
“Medical information can be released only with the permission of the student or as required by law,” the brochure details.
There are some other tidbits about the Fordham Health Services that could prove to be extremely invaluable to students.
“There is no charge for visits to the Health Center,” the brochure explains.
However, the student is responsible for all laboratory charges that are incurred. Moreover, at the Rose Hill campus, walk-ins are accepted between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
In addition, certain immunizations (such as those for travel) are offered for a minimal fee that is highly discounted from a price one would have to pay at the average clinic.
However, Fordham Health Services does more than provide primary care, physical examinations and immunizations. They are also an allergy clinic, providing injections when necessary.
Health Services can provide laboratory x-rays as well, and can refer a patient to an outside radiologist when necessary.
The Health Center staff include a nutritionist who is available upon appointment to discuss eating disorders or healthy eating habits. The Health Center also has newly-approved medications and non-medication therapies to help students quit smoking.
Despite the Fordham Health Center’s lack of contraceptives, other women’s health care services are available including routine gynecological examinations, pap smears, sexual transmitted infections testing and pregnancy testing.
Still, there are some services the Health Center cannot provide.
When asked about psychological therapy and testing, Malara responded, “Counseling and Psychological Services provide this service.”
However, Health Services is involved on campus with other departments. For example, it works with the aforementioned Psychological Services and OSAPPS.
Malara and Health Services hope they can always fulfill their mission, which is “Provide accessible and high quality health care service to Fordham University Students.”